Don Voisine
Don Voisine is a painter working with architecture and abstraction. Using wood panels or Styrofoam as a canvas,
Voisine divides his paintings into bands of color that flank the edges of the composition, and black shapes that rotate against white backgrounds, suggesting rooms twisting rooms, architectural details, or textile designs. Voisine began his current body of work starting from floor plans he collected from places he lived or worked. From here, he expanded his visual vocabulary to more abstract forms that still evoke the feeling of being constrained or directed within architectural space. His paintings vary in size, from a few inches to a few feet, and play between languages of decoration, design, and architecture. As Voisine says, “Architecture a language of space delineates boundaries, exposes points of access, exit or entry, and enables the user to interact with the structure of a defined space. This simple vernacular of architecture informs my paintings.”
New York, NY
Born 1952, Fort Kent, ME
2000 Honorary BFA, Maine College of Art, Portland, ME
1974 Non-degree Programs, Concept Center for Visual Studies
1973 Portland School of Art, Portland, ME