Penelope Umbrico
Photo by Brad Ogbonna
Penelope Umbrico reinterprets everyday consumer and vernacular images, finding her subjects in travel brochures and product mail-order catalogs and utilizing search engines, web platforms, common software applications, and imaging technologies to create multi-disciplinary works.
The screen is both the medium and subject of her work, as she finds thousands of them used, unwanted, broken or for sale on websites such as eBay and Craigslist. In Umbrico’s work the screen becomes a threshold, a point of implosion in which the space in front and behind the screen collapse to reveal and rearticulate the flaws, failures and material detritus of technology and our increasingly isolated ye globalized economies. Her work navigates between producer and consumer, local and global, the individual and the collective, with attention to the technologies that are produced by, and in turn produce, these forces.
Brooklyn, NY
Born 1957, Philadelphia, PA
1980 OACA Ontario College of Art Toronto, Canada
1989 MFA School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
←2017 Artists