Brie Ruais
Photo by Brad Ogbonna
Brie Ruais makes sculptures and installations that straddle ceramics and conceptual art.
She primarily works with the equivalent of her body weight in clay within a set of limitations to create situations where the material resists, challenges, and responds to her actions. Using clay as a conduit to inscribe her gestures – kicking, punching, pulling, and raking – into its shape and surface, Ruais is interested in the tenuous and destructive relationship between the human, earthen body and the American southwest landscape. Her work simultaneously looks inward towards primordial movement and outward towards the land, while centering on the traumatized body. Recalling Ana Mendieta, Richard Serra, action painting, and land art most immediately, her works also aim to explore a new form of conversation between the body and the earth.
Brooklyn, NY
Born 1982, Southern California
2011 MFA Columbia University, New York, NY
2004 BFA New York University, New York, NY
←2017 Artists