Lee Relvas


Photo by Brad Ogbonna

Lee Relvas creates figurative wooden sculptures from minimal lines drawn in space.

Lee Relvas creates figurative wooden sculptures from minimal lines drawn in space. She sands construction-grade plywood into thin curving lines that describe a figure in space using the fewest lines possible. Her figures stand, lean, bend, read, look, and pray, as their outlines follow the course of their momentary gesture. Relvas’s remarkable minimalism in composition and material opens up for moments of realization and humor as the viewer circles her ever-changing characters. Relvas translates drawing into sculpture and vice versa. She imagines her sculptures as the meeting of interior experience and exterior gesture, the signature in space of a personal moment, in the way that a meandering line of music is linked to the body that plays the instrument, or the way handwriting is a record of thinking.

New York, NY
Born 1981, Boston, MA


←2018 Artists


Kimo Nelson


Tracy Thomason